Understanding the Difference Between Wellpoint System Dewatering & Sock Drain Dewatering

Understanding the Difference Between Wellpoint System Dewatering & Sock Drain Dewatering

Effective dewatering is essential in coastal construction projects to maintain dry work areas, prevent flooding, and ensure the stability of structures. Two commonly used dewatering methods are wellpoint systems and sock drain systems. While both are effective at...
Understanding Sock Drainage and the Importance of Groundwater Control

Understanding Sock Drainage and the Importance of Groundwater Control

Construction projects, particularly in areas with high water tables or saturated soil like in the coastal region of the Carolinas, often encounter the challenge of excess groundwater. This not only poses risks to the stability of the construction site but can also lead to project delays and increased costs. In such scenarios, sock drainage is a pivotal technique to provide effective groundwater control.